Peg Powler Gallery @ The Westgarth Social Club, Middlesbrough, April 11th

**Update - tune into Bob Fiscer on BBC Tees tonight (Tuesday 10th) from 8pm to hear AJ and Rebecca discuss this upcoming show!**

Peg Powler Gallery Presents: Shaun Elliot / Tom Flynn / Pinter. 

A one-off exhibition and gig featuring one-off characters at The Westgarth Social Club, Middlesbrough's most comfortable gig venue.

Art exhibition: Shaun Elliot and Tom Flynn. Loads of extraordinary new artwork by Middlesbrough's underground hero Shaun Elliot of Pellethead. Plus far-out paintings from Teesside's young artist with the soul of an old beat-poet, Tom Flynn and several collaborations between Shaun and Tom. 

Music: Pinter. The long awaited return of Shaun and Richie from Pellethead's extra-special collaboration with Matthew Neil (Milkbones). Songs about sanitariums, weird characters at the football and in the neigbourhood, and crimes gone wrong.

Plus the launch of Shaun's new comic book 'Bastard', the Peg Powler drawing table and zine library and more.

Westgarth Social Club, Wednesday April 11th from 7.30, £2. see you!